Cleansing and charging our Rock + Raw crystals has become a really cherished part of our practice. Crystals absorb energy, both positive and negative, so cleansing allows any negative energy to be released. That means your pieces can live up to their name and only release pure positive energy to you.

Smudging means burning sacred herbs or wood to purify and clear space and as a practice, it’s safe, easy, and something we love to do before we set intentions or meditate. Both ceremonial white sage and Palo Santo release a fragrant, cleansing smoke that’s believed to clear negative energy and purify space and auras.
Palo Santo (it means ‘holy wood’ in Spanish) comes from a wild tree that’s been used for centuries by shamans in ritual prayer, sacred ceremonies and healing. Sage releases an earthier sort of fragrance and has also been used for centuries to connect to the spiritual realm.

The full moon emits a new powerful shift of energy which makes it the perfect time to cleanse and recharge your crystals. Simply set your crystals out on the windowsill where they’ll be bathed in and illuminated by the moonlight.
Other natural elements like quartz and selenite are true powerhouses when it comes to cleansing and recharging powers. You can buy charging plates online: simply lay your crystals on them overnight and let the mother crystal do its magic.

Tools are wonderful, but there’s another way to charge your crystal and that’s simply through you and your own divine power. Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed and take a few moments to come into your body. Sit in a way that allows you to feel both relaxed and alert, then hold your crystal within your hands, close your eyes, and take some slow, deep breaths to center yourself fully. As you breathe in, imagine your crystal lighting up with a bright, white light in your hands. As you breathe out, imagine any negative energy evaporating like smoke.
Once your crystal is cleansed it’s ready for you to set your intentions and support you through every day.