We chose Roxie Nafousi - our friend, muse and best-selling author of Manifest - to model our Intention collection for us. Roxie's philosophy that our most empowered self already exists within us is totally aligned with this collection, which taps into the power of your intuition to turn your dreams into reality.
You have an incredibly busy schedule what made you say YES to being our muse?
Well, for starter I absolutely love your founder, Lucy. Her authenticity and magical aura shines through each piece of jewellery and this collection is no exception. To me, every piece in the Intention Collection can be used within the manifesting process: they help us to set our intentions, and use the powerful energy of crystal to help us on our journeys. They are also just so beautiful, and I was honoured to a small part of the creative process.

You recently went through a rough time and you were generous enough to share it, sharing the rough times isn’t always easy. Why do you share?
For me, sharing and talking is so healing. I always feel better when I am open because it means I am being authentic. That helps me to feel more connected to the people around me. But it is always means that my pain is not for nothing: I know that by sharing it I can help someone else feel less alone. We connect to each other through our vulnerability.
Tell us about a typical morning for you.
I wake up at about 5.45am and always start with saying positive affirmations to myself before getting out of bed. Then I go straight to the kitchen for my morning coffee, followed by my morning supplements. Then Wolfe wakes up and I get him ready for nursery and drop him off. Then when I get home I try to move my body before I shower, do my skincare routine and eat breakfast!

Do you have a favorite piece from the collection?
It’s very hard to pick. The black onyx Intention ring I am drawn to and wear almost every day! But I am also obsessed with the pendulum necklaces - they are magic! I love asking them questions and I use them to guide me when I’m feeling stuck on a decision. I also love the Candy Bead necklace - it’s going to so perfect to pair with a white t-shirt in summer or with a bikini!
What does the summer hold for you?
Honestly, I really want to work a little less, and live a little more. I have been very focused on work for the last three years and I’ve definitely neglected my personal life and burnt myself out so many times. I am now entering summer with the intention of experiencing joy. I want to travel, spend time with my family, socialise more and just enjoy myself!

Where can we find you?
On Instagram @roxienafousi and you can also head to my website roxienafousi.com to sign up to upcoming workshops. I’m doing another Ask Roxie Webinar on 26th June - these are monthly community webinars where you can ask me anything and I will give you my best advice! It’s such a warm and loving community and I love them soo much!